Merged in a post:
Double tap to boost and favorite
Give an option to require a double tap on the boot and favorite button. Several other apps offer this and at this point it’s such a part using mastodon for me that I can’t get comfortable on tooot without it.
Merged in a post:
Double tap to boost
Web site has preferences to show confirmation dialog when boosting/reglogging post, but not in app.
In app, maybe have similar option to mimic web site preferences.
Confirmation dialog here is probably annoying for app, so maybe better is double tap to reboost, so it is not so easy to accidentally press when scrolling.
Jared Zimmerman
Strong disagree on this. You can quickly undo this action so no need to have a confirmation step or extra action to trigger it.
Programmatically you can determine the difference in tap vs tap+drag (scroll) if this is happening frequently to users it should be fixed, but double tap is not the right fix.
Chris Dzombak
This is really important — can’t count the number of posts I’ve reposted accidentally in apps that don’t require a double tap. Un-boosting doesn’t always federate quickly, so it’s important to avoid boosting stuff accidentally.
in progress