View posts full length
Volodymyr Terekhov
Or make it like Megaladon do - fade down part of the post and "show more" button below.
Merged in a post:
Long toots should have an option in settings to by default be entirely shown
Artur Souza
By default, long toots are not entirely shown. Thre should be an option in settings that user could choose if this long toots should come by default entirely shown.
Kenny Wastell
Same here. Or at least a toggle in settings to enable automatic full-post view.
Kenny Wastell: toggle is the option needed here. The option not to have to scroll past a mile-long Pleroma post is great but generally this is more annoying than helpful to me.
I’d love a “collapse post” option per-post too. By default I’d have full length posts enabled, but would like to squeeze down the odd excessive ramble 😁